Thursday, May 30, 2013

Wireless comms for the Arduino, done properly :)

After some r&d it turns out that 433mhz is great for your garage door, but not so much if you want reliable comms over distances of 1.5km or greater. For that, we need the big guns, and the best on the consumer market that does not require a license is XBee from Digi.

On the left is a Stalker from SeeedStudios (described in an earlier post) but with the addition of the Bees Shield which has 2 separate XBee sockets meaning no additional cabling is required to link your gps/sensing bee with your comms bee :)

On the right is another XBee that has been paired with the remote unit and is linked to the pc so the telemetry can be read and processed (think moving maps *grin*)

More to follow.
